
The boots that will not die

Fashion trends come and go. The industry depends on this: that people will discard serviceable garments and buy replacements because the style has changed. That that look is so last year.

Fine, no problem.

But please, someone give me hope. When will the unnecessary weather-is-fine ridiculous masculine ugly obscuring clunky awkward tall leather boots just go away?

The style lives on like the undead; nobody can find the garlic or cross or stake or silver bullet.

I just saw it again this afternoon. With a heat index of 98°F, a pretty girl with apparently nice legs and a short skirt, clomping around in leather up to her knees. “Miss? You seem to have lost your horse!” Or your phalanx of storm-troopers or your three feet of snow, or whatever.

Everything else changes. I have been told that the boot fad has died a deservedly horrible death in other parts of the country. Why not here? Why not now?

— Frenulum

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