My belovèd and I went out for lunch Thursday. The conversation turned to a story idea I have been developing that seems quite promising. It happens to involve many elements in which she has expertise and I do not; so she was filling me in on lots of details to lend verisimilitude to the story, and we were tossing ideas back and forth.
There were so many interesting details and plot points to remember that I knew I wasn’t up to the task. “Let’s go home after lunch so I can write this down before I forget,” I said. “Maybe you can help, and make sure I haven’t missed anything.”
I saw a sly smile on her face. For years, she has been asking to help me write by finding a place under my desk and tending to anything that… comes up as a result of the erotic subject matter. I have always replied that I thought it would be too distracting.
“Are you thinking…”
“Yup! Just talk as you type, and I’ll chime in with anything you’ve forgotten.”
I thought about it for a minute. “Ok — as an experiment. This doesn’t mean it’s the new policy.”
We ended up on our bed instead. I had my laptop on a pillow by my side, and my belovèd between my legs. I started writing notes. She started… supporting my avocation.
“It’s awkward to type at this angle,” I said after a few minutes.
I highly recommend the experience of inducing paroxysms of laughter in a deeply engaged fellatrix. The sensations are more than interesting.
Finally she lifted her head. “Do you realize what you just said?” she asked, shaking with mirth. “Can you imagine any other man in the world, in the middle of a blow-job, complaining about how hard it is to type?” I joined her laughter, enjoying the absurdity.
For the record, it was a more successful experiment than I imagined. I got the notes done, with occasional prompting as needed (though they are full of typos, not surprisingly). And it did take a long time, because of frequent breaks from looking at the screen (that is so good for the eyes). Perhaps we will try again. I have a terribly difficult time writing the sex scenes in my stories, and wonder if doing so while making love would help or hinder.
— Frenulum