One periodically sees on the net a ranking of the most expensive commodities: name brand perfume, plutonium, gasoline, what have you. Usually the aim of such articles is to point out the absurd price of ink-jet printer ink.
But it’s not really absurd. It makes economic sense along the lines of the razor/razor-blade model. Give away, at a terrible loss, a printer for $50, and more than make up the hit by selling $29 ink cartridges with a few ml of ink in each.
But… to return to my original theme… what do you suppose is the most expensive commodity available? Inkjet ink? Chanel #5? Gold?…
I don’t have the means in text to hold you in suspense, but think about it, if you will.
The answer is… (no, really, think about it first)…
Anti-matter. USD$62.5 Trillion per gram.
That’s right: $62,500,000,000,000 per gram.
And then… good luck figuring out where to keep it :o)
— Frenulum