

Carolyn finished her homework, said goodnight to her parents, and headed upstairs. She had been quiet and thoughtful all evening, but nobody had remarked on it.

She washed up, brushed her teeth, went into her bedroom, and closed the door. Slowly, distracted, she took off her shoes, socks, blouse, bra, and skirt. She got a nightie from the dresser and wiggled into it.

Earlier that day in Biology class, during a lesson on reproduction, her friend Ashley — not nearly as shy as Carolyn — had asked “Is it wrong to touch yourself?” At which many girls blushed or hid their faces, Carolyn included. But their teacher, Mr. Curtis, had explained that it was normal and natural and healthy, and even beneficial in certain ways. Carolyn had learned over the years to trust him.

With a little shiver, she reached under her nightie and slipped her panties off. She climbed into bed, and turned off the light.

“Natural and healthy,” Carolyn whispered softly. Then, under the covers, she pulled her nightie up to her waist, and began to learn about herself.

It was so good.

— Frenulum

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