


  1. Not particular to this blog post - but I recently found your stories and blog out and thought this would be a good place to comment.
    You are an extraordinary writer sir, and I say that without the qualifier of a genre niche.
    In addition you are an extraordinary writer of erotic stories.
    I am very much of a mind to show your stories to my wife as a sign post to places where I believe she is trying to go but has not quite arrived yet.
    Warmest regards

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    Thanks very much for your kind words. Before you start tossing links at your wife, we might benefit from a chat. Truly, it's safe and easy and friendly.... others might chime in here and reassure you, but even if not, feel free to send me a note I can respond to. frenulum at gmail and of course dot com. It's ok, really.

  3. No need for reassurance - I am just not very chatty on the Internet - particularly absent my real name which I must needs keep hidden to protect the... guilty ? ;)
    Lady in question loved your stories even more then I did though. I will encourage her gently to leave you a comment at some point but she is even more reluctant then me to post under pseudonyms and really to post in general.
    Make no mistake - its not like we are breaking any new ground by sharing your stories - but it does quite a bit of good to her to see some things she feels strongly but nebulously about expressed with style and elegance rather then in the usual relatively tasteless style of porn.
    Ah, apparently all except your thing for facials and cum-play which is ostensibly (and I am just a messenger here) "yuckie".
    That little not-so-constructive criticism aside, once again many thanks for your work and all the best from a (happy) couple of fans.

  4. I quite understand the need for anonymity. But you and or your lady need not make a public appearance: my email address is well-documented, and nobody has ever been embarrassed or exposed by writing to me privately. I'd say "ask anyone" but you'd actually have to ask all seven billion people, which would probably mess up your week.

    And especially if you're going to say things like "style and elegance" I need to be able to say thanks personally :o)

    "Yuckie"? "Yuckie"??? Oh, dear lady, please reconsider. To be the recipient of unforgeable praise, to be decorated, to be adorned with jewels befitting a princess, and to have the privilege of showing him that his essence is a gift straight to your heart -- what could be more wonderful?

    Thanks for writing again. Sorry I've been scarce here.

    -- Frenulum
