

(Based on a conversation with a friend: thank you!)


“Hi, love! My third-period Seniors just finished their exam, and I have a period free, so I thought I would see how you’re doing. How is working from home going?”

“Well, until a moment ago.”

“Why, what happened?”

“The mail arrived. It contained something quite disappointing, Sherry. Do you know what I mean?”

<gulp> Um…”

“Were you expecting anything?”

<gulp> Um… I… Well…”

“Considering that almost every day of the year you are home before I am, and have the first chance to sort through the mail, is this something I would have seen at all?”

“I, um… I…”

“Sherry, was I meant to know about this?”

“Um, well, yes… yes, of course. Of course!”

“I am quite sure that we were home together last Wednesday, the date of the ticket. But I don’t recall a single mention of it. Then, or any day since.”

“Oh. Well. I. Um… I thought…”

“I know very well what you thought. Very well. Listen to me.”


“Heels and panties, in our room, facing the window, five minutes and not a second more after you get home this afternoon.”

“Yes sir.”

“I expect you at the usual time.”

<gulp> Yes sir.”

“Sherry. Really? Posted 45, cited for 60, which means probably 65? Really?

“I’m sorry.”

“I need you. I need you safe. I can’t have you taking chances like — Sherry, there has to be no more of this.”

“No sir.”

“We’ll see to that when you get home. Good luck with your afternoon classes.”

“Thank you. Sir, I love you!”

“I know. I love you. Bye for now.”

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