

The kitchen floor and the elegant bedroom attire.
The submissive posture and the relaxed, casually crossed ankles.
The cold, square surroundings and the warm, curvy girl.
I’m having a hard time imagining a story to go with this... but I think it’s a beautiful image.
Does it tell a story for you? Help me out. Please comment.
— Frenulum


  1. She has been at home today, doing chores and such...and watching the clock. She is always aware of exactly how long it will be before her Sir comes home from work. Each day, she tries to imagine a new way to greet Him (although there are a few favorites that she repeats). Some outfit, pose or situation that will thrill and delight Him. It is her privilege and pleasure to transition Him from work weary man to cherished, loved and appreciated SIR.

    She has already prepared a dinner that will hold if needed, a glass of His favorite wine on the table by His favorite chair. She has carefully prepared herself. She has slowly and in almost ritual fashion put on the black garters, stockings and heels that aways make His eyes linger on her legs. He can never seem to stop Himself from caressing them... She has opened the door and positioned herself prostrate on the kitchen floor--the first thing His eyes will fall upon as He enters the room.

    She has waited, which is difficult and therefore of great value. But He hasn't come... hmmm. Traffic, perhaps? He hasn't called, so it will probably not be too much longer... but she can't help but scootch across the floor and peek out the door...

    She remains that way, ready to move back into her planned position as soon as she hears His car pull in... oh, it is SO HARD TO WAIT!

  2. First of all, thank you kindly for posting a picture-story. Everyone else: see how that works? You can do the same :o) Really, it’s painless, jump right in.

    Second: that is a delightful and plausible interpretation. I had missed, somehow, that she was facing the door. Your story of being prostrate and waiting, and then breaking her pose because the urge to peek became too strong, perfectly explains her buns-raised, stretched-out position.

    I really love your idea that she has dressed in a way that is a favorite for both — particularly as this outfit happens to hit a few of my personal on-switches.

    “SO HARD TO WAIT!”? Dare I guess that, as you wrote that, there was a little bit of your story blending into hers? :o)

    Thank you very much for your contribution!
