
It gets harder near the end

Writing, that is. Why, what were you thinking?

I have mentioned elsewhere that I am a pretty tough editor, and that I can’t remember ever re-reading one of my stories without finding something I wanted to change.

This gets to be a problem as a WIP approaches its conclusion — for before I trust myself to add more to it, I feel that I have to read it to synchronize my mental mood and voice, so that the end result will not have obvious seams in it. But in reading I edit, and sometimes (often) find that all the time I allocated to writing has gone to editing.

Frustrating, a little, because Four Bars is so close to finished. I just need one simple blowjob scene. One perfectly ordinary gratitude-soaked submissive artful cocksucking episode with a satisfyingly sticky conclusion. Just need to get to it.

Why oh why does the world insist we have day jobs? :o)

— Frenulum


  1. Wish I were independently wealthy and could serve as Your patron...

  2. Thank you very much! You’re sweet :o)
