
Photo style

Imagine a photographer, a specialist in the subject of nudes. He has a shoot today, with a model of stunning beauty and elegant form. The studio is prepared, and the lighting arranged to his satisfaction.

The model arrives. The stylist sees to every detail of her hair and makeup. Little scraps of hide-nothing lingerie are selected and fitted and adjusted; the properly dramatic heels are slipped on.

The photographer guides her to her first pose. She is breathtaking, sensual, sexy, beautiful.

And he says to her:

Scowl. snap! A little more discontent, please. snap! Good, good! Spread your legs a little more… ok, give me boredom. snap! Great! More — like you’d rather be anywhere else. snap! Beautiful. Cup your breasts in your hands… Sneer. snap! Super! Can I get that look that says you’re so far out of my league I shouldn’t even come near you? snap! Beautiful, beautiful. Lift your hair like this. Show me hauteur, contempt snap! aloof snap! snap! Arch your back… Can I get some of that runway petulance? snap! Oh, you’re doing great!

I seems ludicrous, written out like that. But I swear about one photo in four that I run across has been produced like this.

Advice to photographers: beauty is not in styling or shape, but in happiness, desire, and engagement. IMHO.

— Frenulum


  1. In *my* relationship, petulance and pouting lead directly to a spanking. Which leads to a well-loved, happy girl.

  2. Brilliant!! I couldn't agree more.
