
Finished (well…)

I have finished Four Bars.

Those of you who are fans enough to see this will know how far from finished — ready to publish — that is. What I mean is that I am satisfied that the whole story is in place, and that it says what I want it to say. Now remains the long and self-critical task of fretting over every word a few dozen times.

I thought you might like to know something of how this story came about, as its history differs from others.

Originally, Four Bars was a little sliver of flash fiction. I have the original still: 150 words, 13 sentences, 5 paragraphs. As is my custom, I selected one of my trusted reviewers and sent the story to her, asking for her opinion of it.

The response came back in an unprecedented format: her report of the two orgasms it had induced, or perhaps it would be fairer to say assisted with.

In a subsequent conversation, she encouraged me to develop the story more fully. Its present form is the result. The kernel of the flash fiction is there unchanged.

Anyway, it should be out soon, for some indefinite value of “soon.” Thank you in advance for your patience.

— Frenulum


  1. Soon, as applied to your writing, should equal "Now, please."

  2. Thank you, Hecate, you are very kind to say so.

    I am contemplating giving blog readers an advance look when the story is ready. Not sure if that will work, but the idea appeals to me.
