
Peek inside

In commenting on a recent post, one reader used the phrase “peek inside” and, as words have the amazing power to do, sent my thoughts down an entirely divergent path.

Of course, at the time I was thinking about a physical manifestation of the phrase. If your imaginations can’t supply details I am afraid I will have to disappoint you… but then, my readers are unlikely to be so challenged. :o)

But it has a more significant meaning.

In the owner/submissive relationship as I define it (I just typoed ass instead of as — an avocational hazard?) the submissive gives her Self: body, mind, and will, to her owner.

The open, accessible, available body is easy to imagine, for most people.

The open mind is not. There are no social models for it, no mass media examples, no or precious few rôle models. We guard our minds and thoughts. We are raised and trained and conditioned to do so. Almost everyone you deal with, even loved ones, is masked and guarded for public consumption. It is the normal way to act, even in intimate, loving relationships.

But the open mind is a requirement in the owner/submissive relationship. To take responsibility for her Self, he has to have full access to her thoughts: the ability to peek inside at will. No masks, no hiding, no reservation, no restraint. He has to be able to figure out what she needs, and what is right for her, before she can necessarily articulate or even be aware of those needs.

It is hard to learn, it takes time, and it feels scary and strange at first. But then, giving one’s Self into another’s care is initially scary and strange as well.

Knowing that the result is earthly paradise can make the transition more comfortable. I assert that in my experience, this is indeed the case.

— Frenulum


  1. As always, your words give food for thought. I think last night I got a very small "peek inside" into understanding the unguarded mind part. He knew, before I did, what I needed emotionally and physically.

    To have that experience, even briefly, then to read your post this morning, makes the wheels in my head turn. I feel an intellectual "ah-ha" moment upon me, even if I am still a long way away from applying the lesson completely. It took your post for me to recognize that last night was likely a glimpse at what full surrender could potentially feel like. I thank you for your words and for the delightful subject to mull over today.

  2. Happy to be thought-provoking. That’s what I’m here for.
