

Afterward, there were three surprises for us.

First, the way she danced and rubbed her bottom. It was an action straight out of pretty much every spanking story she has read, and she surprised herself with how much of a natural impulse it was — even as she laughed at herself for acting out the cliché. I found it cute and endearing to watch her rub her hot pink buns, even though I knew it wasn’t going to be much help. Some of her friends are not allowed to rub, but in my book a spanking is over when the spanking is over, and I very much enjoyed the charming spectacle.

Second, after a short while, she sat without thinking on the edge of the bed. With a startled "Owwie!" she leapt back to her feet so fast it was as if propelled by one of the bedsprings. Good thing it was a nice soft mattress! I reminded her of my story Misery, in which a just-spanked girl contemplates a few hours on a wooden chair. She said, ruefully, “I get that now.”

Third, a surprise for me. It is not the first time that I have discovered something significantly arousing — something I did not know I cared about or would be excited by — because she introduced it to me.

Some girls, when spanked, turn a uniform color. Their bottoms grow from pale to pink to rosy to red, but do so evenly, the effect of each swat blending in. That is all well and good, and certainly not a phenomenon I have ever objected to.

But some girls show handprints, and she is one of them. Lasting handprints, overlapping as the spanking progresses but always with the outline of palm and fingers clear to see.

It turns out that I am unexpectedly pleased by this. Excited by it.

It is certainly not something anyone has control over: physiology is what it is; I would not have been disappointed by an even color, because I had not formed an expectation one way or the other. But now I love it that she shows handprints. And now that I have seen it, I find that it matters to me. I loved being able to fit my hand to a handprint on her heated bottom, and line up my fingers exactly as they once landed.

It was so satisfying to see my belovèd marked by my hand. Marks she wore proudly, joyful to be owned and adored by her Sir.

— Frenulum


  1. A fitting end - to fitting the end. hahahahaha

    I call her friend - and Sir - Fred - thank you for giving my friend the joy of a firm hand on a willing to be but not quite naughty - bottom

  2. Thank you, not-quite-so-anonymous :o) I know you girls have been comparing notes!

    Thank you for befriending my belovèd — I know it means a lot to her to be able to speak freely with someone who understands.

  3. Well if I could figure out how to post these non anon....but i am computer challenged...hahahaha I am 60 after all - this is as new fangled not to mention the cell phones that leave me... puzzled. Giggling...

    Anon Nan

  4. George Washington18 August, 2011 18:06

    Below the “Post a Comment” text area, there is an options list control labeled “Comment as.” When you open the options list, you will see the names of several services that support personal profiles; if you are registered with one of them you can just select that. For example, I use my google profile, so my comments get signed as “Mr. Frenulum.”

    At the end of the list is the “Anonymous” option, and right above that is one called “Name/URL.” I’ speculate that that might let you sign with any name you choose. I will now try that, and check the result.

    Yup, that works! Just fill in whatever name you would like to use, skip the URL, and continue.

  5. You know we've been comparing notes?... Oooohhh someone's been telling tales :0) and a comment from another familiar character. I think can tell who by the writing style.

    But seriously, loved hearing about your point of view. By all reports you make her very happy, as from your writing, she does you.

  6. that you cathy? giggling
