
A reader?

I like to imagine people enjoying my stories.
— Frenulum


  1. Oh, and by the way:

    It is pretty easy to find photos of girls masturbating while looking at magazines. Fairly difficult to find ditto with a book. Puzzlingly difficult to find photos like this: fingers on pussy and eyes on a monitor — which is, according to their letters, how most of the ladies who enjoy my stories approach them.

    And I have yet to see a photo of masturbating with an e-book reader.

    No point to make, just observing.

  2. An e-book reader, huh? Should I send You one? :o)

  3. I always welcome (but never solicit) photos from readers. Over the years I have received zero-count-'em-zero from men; quite a surprising number (since I never expected anything) from the ladies. Mostly somewhere in the provocative-to-explicit range. A few very, let us say, intimate. One with a quite pretty and thorough facial :o)

    All such gifts are treated with the utmost confidence.

  4. Lovely photo, however, if I may point out it is a somewhat impractical position to read from. Not to provide perhaps too much insight into my online habits but when devouring one of your erotic bon mots I tend to be leaning forward to better focus on the words and have one hand on the mouse while the other...wanders. Not optimal for pictures lol. On the other hand to finish after reading I could definitely see assuming a similar position with head back, mouth gasping for breath...a satisfying ending to a satisfying story...

    E (again)

  5. Good point. Maybe she has really good eyesight. I have heard that frequent masturbation has an effect on it :o)
